Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and are in the process of generating evidence of effectiveness or may not yet be tested.

Championing Health Equity: Experiences from State COVID-19 Health Equity Task Forces: Lessons from Delaware

The National Governors Association, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and the National Academy for State Health Policy

Release Date:

White Paper/Brief

Policy Change/ Development
Healthcare Access and Quality
Social and Community Context
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Infrastructure Support

This article describes how Delaware’s Department of Public Health created a COVID-19 Vaccination Playbook to document planning and implementation for vaccine distribution, outlining the state’s framework for vaccine rollout and logistical considerations for delivering. The playbook also includes guidance on recruiting and enrolling COVID-19 providers, storing and handling COVID-19 vaccines, sending second-dose reminders, disseminating vaccination program communication, monitoring vaccine safety and vaccination program goals, and addressing the needs of historically marginalized populations. Community coalitions are also being built to disseminate COVID-19 information and encourage vaccinations through calls led by the Lt. Governor in partnership with faith community leaders; sharing video testimonials of experiences with COVID-19 vaccination by community influencers; distributing digital toolkits to community leaders; partnering with Black Greek sororities and fraternities; establishing EngageDE to communicate COVID-19 information to all Delawareans, and increase use of the COVID Alert DE app; translating and increasing access to digital and physical COVID-19 educational materials; and partnering with media platforms.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Advancing Racial Equity, Partnership Building

Priority Population(s)

Setting(s) of Implementation

Geographic Area of Implementation

Implementation Period
