Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and are in the process of generating evidence of effectiveness or may not yet be tested.

Building Trust in and Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine Among People of Color and Tribal Nations: A framework for action convening

Trust for America’s Health, National Medical Association, UnidosUS

Release Date:

White Paper/Brief

Outreach/ Education/ Communications
Healthcare Access and Quality
Social and Community Context
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Mitigation and Prevention

This white paper provides a framework to engage and build trust among communities of color and tribal communities to help achieve equitable distribution of and access to the COVID-19 vaccine. The framework proposes a series of steps to guide community involvement in the design and leadership of strategies to share information, increase vaccine confidence and receptivity, deliver and administer vaccines, and closely monitor and report on results.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Advancing Racial Equity, Partnership Building, Reduction of Health Disparities

Priority Population(s)

Setting(s) of Implementation

Geographic Area of Implementation

Implementation Period