Practices that show potential to achieve desirable public health outcomes in a specific real-life setting and produce early results that are consistent with the objectives of the activities and thus indicate effectiveness.

Analyzing Disparities in COVID-19 Testing Trends According to Risk For COVID-19 Severity Across New York City

Lieberman-Cribbin, W., Alpert, N., Flores, R., Taioli, E.

Release Date:

Peer Review Study

Healthcare Access and Quality
Tools Included
Outside U.S.

Data Collection and Reporting

The authors analyzed prevalence testing data provided by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and examined this in conjunction with data on the geographic distribution of risk factors for COVID-19 severity in New York City to study if testing was administered effectively and in areas of need. The objectives of this analysis were: (1) to determine changes in the distribution of COVID-19 tests, COVID-19 positive tests, the proportion of the cumulative COVID-19 tests performed relative to the total ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) population, as well as the proportion of positive and total tests according to ZCTA over time, and (2) to determine if testing and positive testing was associated with the presence of COVID-19 risk factors according to ZCTA, and if this association changed over time.

Resource Details

Outcomes of Interest

Reduction of Health Disparities

Priority Population(s)

Setting(s) of Implementation

Geographic Area of Implementation


Implementation Period